
[Java] Find all duplicates between two sorted arrays

Given two sorted arrays, find all elements that appear in both arrays, return a sorted array of those as result.

Since either array could be much bigger than the other, if we use a two pointer approach where we walk both arrays at the same time and determine which pointer to increase we get a O(M+N) runtime, if instead we use binary search on the bigger array for each element in the smaller, we get a O(M log N) runtime.

Two caveats on this solution, we had created a generic binary search method, but it uses Java generics and in Java int[] is not same as Integer[]. For convenience we therefore use Integer[] as input.

Additionally, we need to output an int[] but we do not know beforehand the size of it (will be at most min(M,N)) so we store results as we go in a queue which will allow us to create the sorted output array in the end.

You can check my implementation of findDuplicatesInArraysBinarySearch on my Gist along with some tests in FindDuplicatesInArraysBinarySearchJTests.

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