
[Java] Testcontainers copy file to container

Once you have your container up and running, you might want to upload some files to it. The outcome of this action is largely dependent on the container type and configuration, but in general you want to use the copyFileToContainer API paying attention to a couple things:

1. If the target location in the container does not exist, it will not be automatically created for you, you can work around this by issuing a command to do so:

container.execInContainer("mkdir", "-p", "TARGET_LOCATION");

2. The uploaded files will likely be owned by root, but you won't be running apps in it as root, so you want to set good enough permissions (at least 775) to allow the actual application user to access them:

container.copyFileToContainer(MountableFile.forHostPath(FILE_ON_HOST, 0777, "TARGET_LOCATION");

where FILE_ON_HOST is a File object representing the resource you are trying to copy to the container.

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