

[Windows] Install WIM images with ImageX

To perform quick Windows installations or reinstalls, if you have .wim images, you may use the ImageX application.

You'll firstly need to copy the ImageX files on a bootable USB drive - or whatever you prefer - and the .wim images on a support accessible from your PC at boot time (network drive, system partition, USB disk, etc...)

Now reboot the system and configure the bootloader to load the ImageX support first; you'll be brought to a command line shell you can interact with.
Note: If you need to alter the disk partitioning, run the diskpart command first.

To install the image(s) simply run the following command:



G:\imagex.exe /apply H:\images\win7.wim 1 C:\

Copying the image onto the specified destination may take some time, so just sit back and wait. Here's a full list of ImageX's command line options.

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