

[Google Sheets] Import data from

DISCLAIMER: This is not a stock picking recommendation, the tickers shown are used as example and not provided as financial or investment advice.

DISCLAIMER2: Web scraping can go against usage policies so read them, understand them and abide by them. Also web scraping is notoriously flaky as small changes in the retrieved page can affect the location of the desired element(s).

We have already seen how to import data from Yahoo Finance and Coingecko, now we try to add as source which unfortunately does not provide API, so we have to do some HTML scraping instead.

We would like to retrieve the current price of an ETF called JPNA. By looking at that page we can luckily identify a specific locator, which then allows us to do a couple string manipulation operations before getting the desired value:

function getInvestingData(path) {
  var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch("" + path.toLowerCase());
  var response = result.getContentText();
  var start = response.indexOf(' data-test="instrument-price-last">') + 35;
  var end = response.indexOf('</div>', start)
  var out = response.substring(start, end);
  var strip = out.replace(",", "");
  return Number(strip);