If you tinker with
Liferay's page permissions, you may accidentally edit those associated with the "Welcome" page, effectively preventing ANYONE from ever logging in again.
To regain access you may try this (replace
VERSION with your own):
- stop Liferay (stop Tomcat), on Linux you need to run: /liferay/apache-tomcat-VERSION/bin/shutdown.sh - you may need to be a superuser to do this. On Windows it's the same path but you should use shutdown.bat instead
- edit the portal-ext.properties file. You can find it under /liferay/apache-tomcat-VERSION/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes - and add this line:
NOTE: With this, you are enabling the auto-login feature by ANY means on the portal, so remember to remove that line after you've successfully restored your situation.
- restart Liferay. It's the same as stopping but you should use startup instead of shutdown
- open any browser and point to:
LIFERAY_IP with your portal's IP (could be
LIFERAY_PORT with your portal's port (could be
ADMIN_USERNAME with the portal's admin username (could be
test@liferay.com or simply
test) and
ADMIN_PASSWORD with the portal's admin password (could be
test). EG:
NOTE: You may input ANY user/password there, not necessarily the admin's ones, but that user must have the ability to edit the "Welcome" page's permissions, else he'll now be able to login albeit without the means to solve the issue.